Cheannaigh mé roinnt rudaí i Homestore & More do mo sheomra ranga inniu. Fuair mé an catalóg tríd an doras le déanaí agus bhí luach airgid an-mhaith le fáil ann.
I paid a trip to Homestore & More today and picked up a few bits for my classroom. The catalogue came through the door recently and I spotted some great value items in it.
Uimhir a haon ar mo liosta ná tairreacáin stórála plaisteacha do m'fhearas ealaíona. Bhí siad leath-phraghas ... €17.50 agus tá siad láidir go leor. Bhí go leor acu ann i mo shiopa áitiúil i Luimneach.
Top of my list were some plastic storage drawers for my art supplies. These are half price ... €17.50 and quite sturdy. They had lots of these in my local store in Limerick.
An chéad rud eile ar mo liosta ná cláir bhána beaga a chonaic mé sa catalóg. Tá roinnt cinn agam cheana féin ach tá sé ar intinn agam ceann an duine a bheith agam don scoilbhliain seo. Caithfidh go raibh promóisean ar siúl mar bhíodar marcáilte ar €1.99 ach fuair mé iad ar €1.40 an ceann. Níl siad ar ardchaighdeán, tá siad éadrom go leor agus tagann maircéir beag leo. N'fheadar cé chomh fada a mhairfidh siad ar scoil ach toisc go mbeidh Rang 6 agam tá súil agam go dtabharfaidh siad aire dóibh! N'fheadar an molfainn iad don na naíonáin / bunranganna. Next were some mini whiteboards I had seen in the catalogue. I have some already and I'm hoping to have one per pupil for the coming school year. I think there was some promotion on these as they were marked at €1.99 but I got them for €1.40 each. The quality isn't spectacular, they're quite flimsy but they come with a little mini marker. I'm not sure how long they'll last in the classroom but as I've 6th class I'm hoping they'll look after them and they'll last a while. I'm not sure I'd recommend them for infants / junior classes.
Bhuel sin a raibh ar an liosta ach phioc mé suas roinnt rudaí eile a chonaic mé sa siopa. Well that was all that was on my list but I picked up some other things I spotted in the shop.
Tá na boscaí éadomhain seo an-áisiúil chun maircéirí / criáin &rl a stóráil do ghrúpaí. Tagann siad i bpaicéad 4 ar €7.99. (Cheannaigh mé 2 phaicéad) Tá dathanna geala ar na clúdaigh ... rabhadh beag ... déarfainn go bhfuil siad níos oiriúnaí do na hardranganna (don stóráil) mar ní dóigh liom go mbeadh méara beaga in ann iad a oscailt go héasca. These shallow boxes will be great for storing markers / crayons etc for groups. They come in packs of 4 for €7.99. (I bought 2) The lids are nice and colourful ... a word of warning though ... these are probably more suited to the senior classes (for group storage) as little fingers may not be able to open the lids easily.
Cheannaigh mé na ciseáin seo a úsáidfidh mé chun cóipleabhair &rl a stóráil. €2.99 le haghaidh 3 cinn. I bought these baskets that I will use to store copies etc. €2.99 for three baskets.
Cheannaigh mé na pionnaí éadaigh seo mar beidh siad an-áisiúil chun rudaí a chrocadh sa tseomra. Paicéad de 30 ar €1.99. I bought these close pegs to hang things in the classroom. €1.99 for a pack of 30
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