- Ní maith leis an madra an fheadóg stáin!!!
- Níl sé chomh éasca san ... bhí m'fhear chéile ag gáire faoi cé chomh holc is a bhí/tá mé! (Ní raibh aon ath-treisiú dearfach ansin!)
- Bhain mé taitneamh as.
- Cinnte táim chun é a dhéanamh le mo rangsa i Meán Fómhair. (díreach timpeall an cuinne anois!)
Well at long last ... I've finally finished my Tin Whistle Summer course. I registered and began the course back in mid-July but I'm the type of procrastinator who has very long fingers! Well here is what I learned ...
- The dog HATES the tin whistle!!!
- It's not as easy as I expected ... my husband got great enjoyment out of telling me how bad I was / am! (no positive reinforcement there!)
- I did enjoy it.
- I will definitely be doing the tin whistle with my class in September (just around the corner now!)
So ... na sonraí. Cúrsa le CPD College a bhí ann a chosnaigh €95. Chláraigh mé agus laistigh de dhá lá bhí m'fheadóg agus dhá leabhair tagtha sa phost. Tosnaíonn siad ag an tús mar sin is cuma munar ardaigh tú feadóg raimh i do shaol (cosúil liomsa). Buntáiste amháin a bhí agam ná go bhfuilim in ann ceol a léamh. Múintear duit (trí fhíseanna) faoi na nótaí éagsúla agus an rithim. Bíonn na nótaí ar fad agat go han-tapaidh. Ansin ar aghaidh chuig poirt a fhoghlaim.
So ... the details. This was a CPD College course that cost €95. Once I had registered I received my tin whistle and books within 2 days. They start at the beginning so it really doesn't matter if, like me, you've never played the tin whistle before. One advantage that I had was that I am able to read music but this isn't a requirement as they teach you all the notes, note names and rhythm. The notes are learned quite quickly and then you move on to learning the tunes.
Tá nasc leis an gcuraclam ag deireadh gach mhódúil. Tá trácht déanta den dá chlár Jolly Music & Music Made Easy tríd na módúil ar fad. Clúdaíonn siad Féin Mheastóireacht Scoile agus Measúnú freisin. Is féidir na hábhair ar fad a íoslódáil agus teacht ar na físeanna trí YouTube.
Each module has a curricular tie in, the last section covers the strands of the music curriculum. There is a strong connection to the Jolly Music and Music Made Easy programmes. The course also covers School Self Evaluation and Assessment. All of the material is downloadable and the videos are accessible through YouTube.
Mar a fheicim iad seo na rudaí is fearr faoin gcúrsa seo:
- Múintear na nótaí &rl trí fhíseanna; tá seo an-áisiúil mar is féidir dul ar ais chucu arís agus arís eile chun dul siar a dhénamh
- Faigheann tú an fheadóg & dhá leabhar lán le hamhráin nuair a chláraíonn tú
- Tá na tascanna éasca, ní gá duit ach an port a luaitear a thaifeadadh agus a uaslódáil
- Bhí go leor PDFanna le poirt breise
- Rogha leathan poirt
The best things about this course:
- The majority of the course is delivered via videos that can be accessed time and again for anything you may need to revise
- Two books and a tin whistle are included in the cost of the course
- The end of module tasks are easy; you just need to record and upload yourself playing a tune
- There are lots of PDFs with extra songs & tunes
- A huge variety of different tunes